
Recipe recommendations

No-dig inspired

Each month I'll share one of my favourite recipes to this page, focusing on the ingredients that are ready to pick that month.

Be sure to share and tag your triumphs @bishopstrowhotel


Darren Stephens, Chef-Gardener

August 2024


We have two big fig trees in the river garden along the south-facing wall. We planted them two years ago now and I’m hopeful of some fruit later this year. In the meantime, we can utilise the leaves of which they have plenty. Along with our raspberries which we have just started to pick

Serves 6


Panna cotta

1 litre double cream

4 fig leaves

160g sugar

3 gelatine leaves


Warm the cream till just below boiling point, add the fig leaves, and remove them from the heat. Leave the leaves to infuse overnight.

Soak the gelatine leaves in cold water until bloomed. Strain the leaves out of the cream and bring back to a boil with the sugar, stirring to dissolve. Remove from the heat to cool slightly. Squeeze the excess water from the gelatine and add to the cream, whisking to dissolve it completely. Pour into moulds and set overnight.

Once set dip the mould into warm water and tip.

June 2024


Serves 4

I recently did a cooking demo at the Bath Foodie festival and of course, I was showcasing all the abundant produce from our kitchen garden. The star of the show is the whole carrot with the squid in more of a supporting role.

1 bunch of young carrots with tops

30g parsley

30g mint

4 spring onions sliced fine

20g capers

1 lemon

Olive oil

1 tsp Sriracha

5 pickled chilli peppers and their liquid

180g cleaned squid, tubes sliced into rings and tentacle halves

100g roasted and salted pistachios chopped

1 bunch baby beetroot cooked and peeled

Baby courgettes


Cut the young feathery green tops from the carrots, and discard the thicker stems and older leaves. Wash well and dry. Chop the carrot tops, parsley and mint together and add the spring onions, capers, zest of a lemon, sriracha, chopped chilli and two tablespoons of its liquid. Stir in enough olive oil to bind it and season. It should be bright and bracing.

Heat a heavy pan on medium heat and slice the carrots in half if quite large or leave whole if small. Lay the carrots in the pan with some olive oil so they sizzle and caramelise, they will need about 15 minutes to cook through.

Put the carrots to the side when cooked and turn the heat up high on the same pan. Season the squid well and add to the pan when very hot with a glug more of olive oil. Toss and shake the squid in the pan, it should take no more than two minutes to cook. Finish with a good squeeze of lemon and add to the carrots and mix with the carrot top salsa verde and let marinade for a few minutes.

Any other vegetables can be added to this bright dish, I utilised baby heritage beetroots and very young courgettes with their flowers.

Arrange the dressed vegetables and squid around a plate and sprinkle with the pistachios and another drizzle of olive oil.

February 2024


One of my top ways to enjoy brassicas is by quickly blanching them, then finishing on the char-grill. Their sturdy texture and rich flavour make them a perfect match for bold flavours, like this new favourite dressing of mine. For me PSB rival asparagus for anticipation and taste and is the hi-light in the garden over February and March. We also have savoy cabbages in the garden that work great in this salad too.


1 large bulb of garlic

1tbsp dijon mustard

1 tbsp white miso paste

2 egg yolks

1 lemon juiced

50g pecorino grated

250ml neutral flavoured oil

Sprigs of dill chervil and mint 

Large handful of walnuts

Sprouting broccoli lightly blanched for 30 seconds 


To make the dressing wrap the garlic bulb in tin foil and bake for 20 mins at 180C or until it is soft to the touch. When cooled remove the foil and slice the very top off and proceed to squeeze the caramelised cloves out of its roasted shell.

Add this to a food processor along with all the ingredients except the oil. Blend till all have been combined and with the motor running slowly pour in the oil. It should emulsify together to form a Caesar-style dressing.

To take the walnuts to another level they are candied. For this simply boil 200g of water with 200g of sugar and add the walnuts. Simmer for 1 minute then drain them. While still warm bake on a tray at 160C for 8 mins until toasted and shiny. Sprinkle with salt to finish.

With a char grill set to the point of smoking, very lightly dress the broccoli in oil and press on the grill to leave bar marks.

Dress the broccoli with emulsion and plate up topping with the nuts and herbs

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